Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Malaga and Cabo de Gata

Here are a few photos from our last day in Malaga - we went for drinks our last night and then Rachel flew to the UK in the morning. Karoll and I spent the following day hanging out trying to rent a car then eventually getting a bus to Almeria. Here are pictures from Malaga, then I will write about Almeria and onwards.

Karoll making us sandwiches on the bench while waiting in the bus station haha

So this night Karoll and I caught a bus to Almeria and then eventually caught a bus to a small village called Cabo de Gata. We arrived there at 10 at night ( don't worry, I never would have done that on my own) - the bus driver was hesitant to leave us there but we found a hostel right away, thank goodness. The kind couple let us in and it turned out to be theeee nicest hostel we've stayed in yet. It was newly remodled and just clean, which was so nice. I slept the best I"d slept in probably a week. Our room was sunny and bright in the morning and the following two days were very relaxing and needed. I love small towns, of course.

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